Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tired alot of the time

Now that I'm more than a month post op I no longer have any of the pain from surgery and I'm getting along a lot better. I am however tired most of the time. I get bursts of energy but that's about it. It's a little hard on me right now with the 3 young kids to take care of and all our extra activities. But I'm making it through. I'm still working on getting in my water. I'm not up to were I should be yet, but each day I get a little more. I have worked my way up to 2 protein drinks a day which is good. I constantly need to remind myself to eat, which never in my life have I had to do. I am pretty much never hungry and if I don't remind myself I forget to eat. I'm at the point now where I can start adding whatever foods I want back to my diet. I just have to be careful to only try one new food at a time, and chew really well. As of this past Monday I'm down 18 lbs.

1 comment:

Irene said...

Thank you for stopping by my WW. I wish you a beautiful and healthy way back into shape. I have been battling with my own weight for years. I am embarking on a new diet next week, as I have reached my all-time-record high. I have promised myself I won't let myself go again. Me and you can do more and are worth more and deserve more than stuffing ourselves. Best Wishes.